来源:广州优科  发布日期:2011-1-28

Molex recently introduced LED holder specially for Bridgelux and Cree!

To cope with Bridgelux & Cree's LED module(ie.used with Bridgelux ES ARRAY and Cree MPL series),molex introduced following solder-free LED holder to push LED lighting into high-volume and standard application,and this LED holder will benefit luminaries replace and upgrade LED module freely!


1.180150 series LED holder for Bridgelux LED module:


2.180160 series LED holder for Cree MPL LED module:


To better support China local customers,recommend to contact our China distributor Prosper for details and sample,and following please find prosper's contact information

直线电话:020- 85271321 85611909 曾小姐:15360022270  传真:020-85611909  Email:gzkiki580@126.com
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